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Keystone has many visitors that come into the classroom throughout the year. This allows the children to see different career choices. It also allows them to get hands on experiences with different mammals, amphibians, reptiles and insects.
It is a lot of fun for the children's families to participate and share about their culture and celebrations. Parent involvement is always welcome and encouraged, but not required.
We also have bi-annual events where parents meet at the Julia Morgan Berkeley Ballet theater. Here are a few pictures and descriptions of organizations, events, and celebrations we have at Keystone.
El Cerrito Fire Department
Every year the El Cerrito Fire Department comes to visit and teaches us about fire safety awareness. They show the children the supplies they carry in their truck, and they even let them sit in the fire engine!The E.C.F.D. reminds the children the safety drill "stop drop and roll" and they talk about E.D.I.T.H. (Exit Drills in the Home). The E.C.F.D. want to remind parents to talk with their children and prepare for an emergency by planning an exit route in their home in case of an emergency.
El Cerrito Fire Department
East Bay Vivarium
The Snowy Egret Classroom gets a visit from the East Bay Vivarium every year. The Vivarium brings all types of frogs, snakes, lizards, and other amphibians and reptiles for the children to see, touch, and learn about. Some of the animals we have seen are Tarantulas, Scorpions, a California Vingearoon, Horn Frog, an African Burrowing Bull Frog, a Fire Salamander, a Tortoise, a Turtle, a Leopard Gecko, an Australian Blue Tongued Skink, different kinds of snakes and "Elmo" the GIANT Monitor Lizard! Owen from the Vivarium brings these creatures and tells us lots of interesting facts about them.
East Bay Vivarium
Discovery Insect Museum
While the primary classes are studying insects, we have the discovery insect museum come and bring in lots of different bugs. The Discovery Insect Museum brings in bugs for the children to hold. The children are introduced to the Darkling Beetle, Eastern Lubber Grasshopper, a Giant African Millipede, Australian Walking Stick, Madagascar Hissing Cockroach, a Giant Thorny Walking Stick. Of course every insect they bring is safe. The children love touching them and letting them crawl up their arms!
Discovery Insect Museum
Dr. Matsuishi's Dentist Visit
In May, we hold our Annual Spring Picnic at Arlington park where we BBQ and have a school wide potluck. At the park we typically have a soccer game set up, a scavenger hunt, mixers, and lots of delicious food. This is a fun time where families can get to know each other and have fun with their children.
Dr. Matsuishi's Dentist Visit
Berkeley Ballet at the Julia Morgan Theater
Every June we have the Snowy Egret class put on a Graduation Day Program where the children sing songs, play instruments, put on skits, and recite poetry. Our music teacher, Jonathan Green, along with the classroom teachers practice singing special songs and finger plays to prepare for this event. This is a huge accomplishment for the children. Many of the children in this classroom have been attending Keystone since they were 2 years old. This production is performed and recorded on Graduation Day and is available for all of the families to keep and cherish forever.