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The Montessori Method provides the key growth elements for children to develop a strong sense of self, ability to connect with others, and essential life skills.
Sandpiper Class
18 MTHS - 2.5 YRS
The Sandpiper Class (Ages 18-30 Months) is a small class of 12 students with a 1:4 ratio.
The child gains a sense of community and caring and trust in the daily routine delighting in the group participation and having FUN!
This is where the child first learns the principles of the Montessori Philosophy.
The child is always treated with respect and allowed to be as independent in the environment as is safe.
The child learns to respect the other students and communicate with kindness.
The child learns care of the self by working on toilet training, washing hands before meals, hanging up jackets, dressing and putting on jackets and shoes independently.
The child learns care of the environment by cleaning up work spaces and putting toys and materials in their proper places.
Separation is a very delicate and gentle process with the child bonding and gaining the trust of the teachers and other children before the parents leave.
Discipline is also a very delicate and gentle process with the child being carefully re-directed when necessary. The teacher's tone of voice is always soothing and comforting.
Blue Heron Class
2.5 YRS - 3.5/4 YRS
The Blue Heron classroom provides a small intimate environment for children 2.5-3.5/4 years old.
Unlike many Montessori programs, Keystone separates the primary class children into two groups: The Blue Herons (2.5-3.5/4 year old) and the Snowy Egrets (3.5/4-6 years old) rather than combining 2.5- 6 year olds into one large group.
In this way Keystone is able to provide more adult assistance for the younger child's greater physical needs.
In the Blue Heron classroom, the younger child is exposed to all the beginning elements of each area of the Montessori Classroom: Practical Life, Sensorial, Language, Math, Science, Art- as a preparation for moving up to our Snowy Egret Classroom.
Snowy Egret Class
3.5/4 YRS - 6 YRS
The Snowy Egret classroom provides a complete Montessori curriculum for children 3.5/4-6 years old.
At this age a larger population of students is beneficial so that the child has greater exposure to many children for developing friendships.
Keystone has a very diverse population with over 12 different cultures/languages represented in the school.
The Snowy Egret curriculum emphasizes this diversity by drawing on the families to provide various cultural celebrations throughout the year.
The Snowy Egret students work individually and in groups, ensuring that each child spends adequate time in each curriculum area.
Unlike many Montessori programs, Keystone in addition to a beginning group time in the morning, has all of the children work in small groups in Math, Language, Science, or Cultural Studies for part of the morning to guarantee that the child experiences all of the curriculum areas each week.